Key Stage 1/Year 1 curriculum overview


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 3

Spring 4

Summer 5

Summer 6









Writing from personal experience.

Fiction stories linking to our Dinosaur topic.

Planning and creating a simple story.

To use stories as patterns for their own.

Reading poems with predictable language and creating our own rhyming sentences. 

Non-fiction texts – to read and follow instructions.





High frequency words

Cursive script

Phonics - Phase 2 and 3 sounds

Understanding sentences

Capital letters and full stops


















Using familiar stories as patterns for their own, eg The 3 Little Pigs.

Fiction- Stories with predictable pattern and rhyme.

Non Fiction- Labels, lists and captions – Shabbat.

Christmas texts.

Recounting the Christmas story.







Spellings and dictation
Cursive script
Phonics – Phase 3
Full stops and capital letters

To use syntax and context when reading for meaning. 


Proper nouns.

Alphabetical order.
Simple conjunctions

Recount writing giving main points in sequence.

Fiction writing with cloze procedure.

Using a dictionary.

Poems with familiar, predictable and patterned language from a range of cultures.

Reading and understanding play scripts.

Fairy stories & poems from a range of cultures





Spellings and dictation.

Cursive script.

Phonics – Phase 3, 4 and 5.

Checking that sentences make sense.

Sentence patterns of action rhymes.

Predicting words from preceding words in a sentence.
Simple conjunctions.

Recount writing

Non-fiction writing and understanding non-fiction texts.

Traditional stories – reading and re-telling stories giving main point in sequence.

The Easter story – reading and retelling bible stories.

Creating playground chants and action verses.







Spellings and dictation.

Phonics – Phase 3, 4 and 5.
Cursive script.

Full stops, capital letters, question marks.

Simple sentences and questions.





Retelling events giving main points in sequence.  (Easter holiday News)

Reading and retelling stories about fantasy worlds.

Exploring factual and fiction texts.

Interesting ways of presenting text, eg speech bubbles, bullet points.

Independent story writing






Spellings and dictation
Cursive script.

Phonics – Phase 4 and 5


Full stops.

Verbs – understanding and using.

Capital letters – where to use them.

Adjectives - understanding and using.




Factual recount writing.

Writing non-fiction information texts.

Fantasy stories – using stories as patterns for their own.

Creating fact sheets.

Writing a review of a school trip using photos/drawings, speech bubbles and speech marks.

To write a story using a beginning, middle and end.





Spellings and dictation
Cursive script

Phonics Phase 4 and 5.

Verbs – understanding the past tense.

Adding ‘ing’ to verbs.


Speech marks and speech bubbles.


Counting and properties of numbers

Teen numbers

Order numbers to 10/20

Counting sets of objects and grouping in 10s

Comparing and ordering numbers.

Knowing number names to at least 50 and being able to recite forward and back in order.

Understanding the operation of addition and vocabulary and understand that addition can be done in any order.

Counting on

Largest/smallest number

Rapid Recall of addition facts

Read and write numbers to at least 20

Shape and Space:

Name and describe features of 2D shapes.

number stories for 9/10

Measures –Length  Time

Days of the week months


Understand operation of subtraction and related vocabulary

Counting back

Assess and review


Intro to coin recognition

Recognising coins of different values and beginning to understand coin equivalencies

Counting small amounts of money

Counting and grouping in tens and twos, to be linked with estimating (NNS16-19)


Coin doubles

Making 10p

Subtraction with money

Organising and using data Decision Making

Choose and use appropriate number operations and mental strategies

Recap number names & counting to 100

Counting in 10s from a single digit no

Ordinal numbers


Odd and even (pairs)

Comparing nos (inc asking-what is in between?)

Ordering nos

Time -o'clock

Addition facts for numbers to 8 -inc complementary addition

Weight -heavier/lighter

estimating weights of objects using cubes

subtraction- counting back

Bar charts  Recording information in tables Carroll diagrams

Use everyday language to describe position direction and movement, whole turns and half turns.

counting in 5s


Properties & names of 3D shapes

Number bonds for 10

Termly Maths Assessment

Counting on as addition strategy

Counting & adding 10s

Place value- teens & tens

number bonds for 10


100 square work

1/10 more

Odd and even

Shop Add 1p, 10p  in shopping activities  flipchart: adding money

Counting back as subtraction strategy

Problem solving


Counting in 2/5/10s

odd/even –understand that the units no is important.

o’clock/half past

1/2/3 less/more than

Understanding the operation of subtraction and the related vocabulary – less than/more than

Adding 10s and 1s

GL adding up 3 coins including 50p

Capacity Measuring and estimating in both standard and non- standard units. Solve simple problems using measures

Length Measuring and estimating in both standard and non- standard units. Solve simple problems using measures

missing number sums.

Digital Time half past & o’clock

Time passing half hours and wholes

Giving correct coins

Problems involving money.

Revision of coin values and equivalences

Using mental addition and subtraction strategies to solve money problems

the difference between 2 numbers-need this before GL (how much more/less)

Halves of numbers

Number bonds for 20

Revision activities

Understand simple place value.

Adding 10 to 2 digit number

GLS assessment

Read & complete graphs/charts

Problems involving money including change to 20p/ 50p and equivalences to £1

Use mental strategies to solve problems including counting, addition, subtraction, doubling, halving. Explaining methods and reasoning

Fractions /Symmetry -

- halves of shapes/objects

Fractions-recognise and find ½ & ¼  find simple fractions of groups of objects, compare 2 fractions in practical context

To add and subtract from 2 digit numbers-.

Subtracting 10 from a 2 digit number

To add 9 using existing knowledge of

adding 10

Data handling – collect and sort data and organise information

Multiplication-Begin to understand multiplication as repeated addition and arrays

Passing of time

The difference between 2 numbers

Practical investigations to solve problems. E.g. How many cubes balance other items

Number bonds for 20

Solve mathematical problems and puzzles including real life problems. Recognising patterns and relationships, investigating general statements about numbers

Division-introduction to sharing


History topic

Dinosaurs/A Long Time Ago

Not so long Ago




Famous Women

Key Question

How do we know dinosaurs existed and what were they like?

How was life different for children 100 years ago?




Can you name some famous women from History?

Science topic


Light and Dark



Minibeasts on Land and in Water

Minibeasts on Land and in Water

Key question

What can our bodies do?

How do light and dark affect us and our world?

Can properties of materials affect what they are used for?

Are there pushes and pulls everywhere?

Where can we find minibeasts, what are they like and how do they behave?

Where can we find minibeasts, what are they like and how do they behave?

Geography topic



Near and Far




Key question



In what ways does our local area differ from one a long way away?

How do we get around the world?

Where are rainforests and what might you find there?



Mixed Media

Portraiture/dinosaur art

Mixed Media

Collage/Textiles/ Printing

Collage/Textiles/ Printing



Computer Science

Using Technology safely, instructions, bee-bot coding







Old Testament Stories & Judaism

Judaism and Christmas

Stories about Jesus’ Life



The Church


New beginnings; Healthy living

Healthy living; Getting along together

Knowing myself; Recognising feelings

Recognising feelings; Looking after myself

Friendships; Preparing for change

Preparing for change; Feeling safe


Steady beat activities; Reading music; Nativity; The Nutcracker; Autumn Songs


Steady beat activities; Reading music; Nativity; The Nutcracker; Autumn Songs


Steady beat; Lines and spaces on the staff; Floor staff games; Spring songs; Carnival of the Animals; Easter

Steady beat; Lines and spaces on the staff; Floor staff games; Spring songs; Carnival of the Animals; Easter

Steady beat; Recognising FACE on the staff; floor staff games

Summer songs

Steady beat; Recognising FACE on the staff; floor staff games

Summer songs


Cross country


Ball skills – netball and football


Cross country


Ball skills – netball and football


Ball skills – hockey and rugby

Cross country


Ball skills – hockey and rugby

Cross country



Ball Skills – rounders and cricket



Ball Skills – rounders and cricket


Trip/ Event




Kent Life

Great Dixter
