Aims and Ethos at Saint Ronan's


The school has a distinctive character and it is this charm, this magic, that people fall in love with.

It is a family school with an informal and happy atmosphere where staff are approachable and mud unremarkable. In a world where children seem to grow up ever faster,

Saint Ronan’s provides a happy environment for children to remain just that. We want the children to enjoy school, relish the opportunities offered and be inspired to work hard, to be kind, gentle, courteous and honest.




  • To provide the children with an excellent all-round education, with a suitable range of curricular and extra-curricular opportunities.

  • To provide inspiring teaching, which promotes both learning and achievement.

  • To encourage the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

  • To provide effective pastoral support and guidance.

  • To maintain a constructive relationship with parents and carers.

  • To ‘mind the magic’.

Our motto, Floreat Saint Ronan's, means 'Let Saint Ronan's Flourish'. We all want this to happen. So, what really matters

Ronian Character

We put ourselves into the position of others and try to see and feel things from their point of view
We make sure we know what is required from us and how we can be most helpful to others

We keep trying to create our best, even when we find things difficult.

We ask questions and want to learn more.

We think for ourselves and create new ideas.

We work together as a learning team.

What Really Matters?

We are gentle

We don't hurt others
We are kind and helpful

We don't hurt anybody's feeling.
We listen

We don't interrupt.
We are honest

We don't cover up the truth.
We work hard

We don't waste our own or others' time.
We look after property

We don't waste or damage things.