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Inspection Reports

ISI report 2022

In May, Saint Ronan’s welcomed five ISI inspectors to conduct a rigorous and comprehensive analysis of all Saint Ronan’s do. With less than twenty-four hours’ notice and a highly qualified and experienced team of Inspectors, no stone was left unturned!

The inspectors observed lessons, had discussions with pupils and examined samples of pupils’ work. They held discussions with members of staff and with the chair of governors, observed a sample of the extra-curricular activities that occurred during the inspection period, and attended form meetings, chapel, and assemblies. Inspectors visited the boarding house and the facilities for the youngest pupils, together with the learning support areas. Inspectors considered the responses of parents, staff and pupils to pre inspection questionnaires. The inspectors examined curriculum and other documentation made available by the school.

The resulting ISI judgements determine whether the school has met all its obligations under the regulatory requirements (this is a pass/fail) and then makes a qualitative judgement on how well the School delivers in terms of Educational Quality (EQI) assessing two key outcomes for the children:

  • - The achievement of the pupils, including their academic development, and
  • - The personal development of the pupils.

The headline judgements apply one of the ISI descriptors ‘excellent’, ‘good’, ‘sound’ or ‘unsatisfactory’.

The Inspection Team reached the following conclusions about Saint Ronan’s:

That all standards required by the Regulatory framework had been met

The outcomes in terms of educational quality were assessed as follows:

The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.

• Pupils are eager to learn, they work exceptionally well together and confidently take leadership in their learning.
• Pupils demonstrate outstanding oracy skills; they are highly articulate and confident in their use of language from an early age.
• Pupils achieve highly across the curriculum, both in the classroom and in sport, the performing and other arts.

The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.

• Pupils demonstrate an acute understanding of right and wrong and a mature appreciation of the importance of kindness.
• Pupils are highly confident and self-assured, yet possess a conspicuous level of humility.
• Pupils mix with ease across all age groups and are extremely supportive of each other in a highly collaborative atmosphere.

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