We love our Chapel and take joy in our services, which are held on Wednesday and Thursday mornings every week. We also meet for two or three Friday Evensongs.
The Chapel is one of the only vestiges left of the original building in Worthing. It was dismantled there and reassembled – brick by brick – where it stands today. In 2014, Old Ronians paid for the Chapel Corridor to be redesigned and created a memorial garden to Old Ronians who were killed in the two World Wars.
With the exception of the Carol Service, which takes place at Benenden Church, virtually all our other services are held in the school’s Chapel.
Music plays a prominent part in the life of the Chapel. We love to sing together, have an exceptional Chapel Choir and enjoy the beauty of hearing the children singing solos or playing instrumental pieces. The children in Year 8 all read in Chapel at least once during the academic year.
Chapel is, and will remain, a much-loved and a very special place in the school. It embodies all that is best about our pastoral approach and what really matters in life.