New Headship
Date: Tuesday 16th of January 2024

New Headship

Saint Ronan’s has announced the appointment of Joe Lewis as its new Headmaster from September 2024, following the retirement of William Trelawny-Vernon after over 21 years.
Joe is currently a Senior Housemaster at Millfield School, where he runs a boarding house. Prior to this he was at Pangbourne College where he held the roles of Housemaster, Head of English, Master i/c Cricket as well as Head of Careers and General Studies. Joe’s parents were Prep School teachers; thus he understands, recognises and values the ethos of Saint Ronan’s. Joe will be joined at Saint Ronan’s by his wife Milly, who is looking forward to playing an active role in school life. Milly grew up at Sunningdale Prep where her father and uncle were joint heads.
Joe Lewis comments:
“On our first visit, we were immediately struck by the warmth and kindness of the community. Saint Ronan’s is evidently a school where tradition and modernity work in harmony, and the values of the school are incredibly important to us both. It has been an absolute pleasure meeting staff and pupils thus far. Indeed, we were so impressed with the loyalty and affection everyone felt for the school.
We will seek to harness the potential for continued excellence and further development, building on Saint Ronan’s outstanding reputation for a first class prep school education; where children can be children, yet prepared for the challenges of adolescence. We will aspire to be sector leading in retaining the best features of boarding and co-curricular pursuits, in academic rigour and building self-esteem, all underpinned by outstanding care for the individual”
William Trelawny-Vernon, writes:
“Emma and I are thrilled that Saint Ronan’s has found, in Joe and Milly, a couple who absolutely ‘get’ the school and who are as excited as we were when we arrived, fresh faced, from Stowe, back in January 2003. I am delighted that we share the same energy, vision and ambition for this wonderful school and I feel completely confident in handing over to Joe.”.